Thursday, September 29, 2011

Update!! 6 weeks post-op.

and I'm feeling great. (: I had an appointment today.. Everyone said i was doing good. I'm glad. I'm averaging a loss of about 3 pounds a week.. I've already lost 15% of my excess body weight.. I was paranoid cause i havent been seeing my scale move but its clearly my scale, its playing tricks on me. because the scale at doctors offices show that i've lost weight.

I feel a lot better about things now. Incisions are pretty much completely healed now. just a little pink. i can lay on my stomach again, completely. i'm getting all my fluids and protein in. exersize is still slightly an aissue but just because i'm sick of walking.. I'm getting a gym membership soon and theres a pool.. i love swimming. so that should help plenty. i tend to do better when i have a ocmmitment for motivation. I hate letting people down. it would be a waste of money on my grandparents who are paying for it, if i don't use it.

I got a tattoo last week (: Its on my wrist.. I can't get a picture right now. But it says 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle." and i like it a lot (: i've wanted it for awhile. it was a belated 16th birthday present, even though I had to pay for it.. lol.

i can eat almost anything now... another 2 weeks till i can have red meat and bread, but other than that.. i'm set. i had my first salad today, in almost 2 months. that is my favorite food ever. i've missed it. <3 haha.

I'm exhausted. I only had one hour of sleep last night for a long list of reasons. and i just got back from the hospital, and the hour long drive just gets to me. so I'm gonna go sleep. But i'll update again soon. <3

Thanks to bariatric frendly by the way, for blogging about teen weight loss surgery, and mentioning me in your blog. That means a lot. (: I can't find a follow button on your page to follow your blog, but i support you all completely. thanks again. <3

if you have any questions or anything, feel free to email me (:

have a good day!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Picturess. Scars and me now (:

In my last post i gave a link to my flickr account (which i can't post to anymore cause i'm over the limit.. to keep posting, i'd have to pay. which i dont  wanna do. haha. But if you want, comment me and ask me to add you on facebook.. I post a bunch of pictures there.. I'll add you and you can see them if you want.)

But here are what the incisions look like about a month out.. the lighting makes them look worse than they really are.. and strech marks make it look worse..

And heres me now (: hospital Tshirt that i mentioned in one of the past couple posts.. and my lovely short shorts<3 haha. they're flannel and so comfy. i love them. i got them the day before my surgery and left the hospital in them. (:

they're already starting to get big on me.. i have to tie them and roll them up.. even though i havent lost much weight.. i've lost inches. which counts for somthing, right? Haha.

alright.  done here.

have a good day. (:

-ashley <-- email me if you have any questions (:

First Month.

Here are pictures from the hospital stay, that I forgot to add in my last post:

Anyways, the first month...

First thing i did the second i got home was took a shower.. I felt nasty. then i layed down, had some chicken broth and some propel zero, and fell asleep.. woke up a few hours later to a surprize, my best friend came over.. Well.. She had been my best friend since i was 5. i hadn't seen her in a year or two.. I guess her mom found out i was having surgery and then she found out through her mom and yeah.. She came over and was asking about it and we agreed to hang out sometime. Hasnt happened yet.. But it will. I've missed her.

I was supposed to start school on tuesday that week.. I just got home sunday. That wasnt gonna happen. I guess someone never contadcted the school and told them I had surgery.. I just didnt show up the first week. they called on friday and were threatening to call truancy officers on me and stuff (I've had a history of skipping school in the past.. I don't blame them.) but they didnt believe i had surgery. It's not liek i couldnt get a doctors note if i wanted to. But i wasnt even planning on going back to that school, anyway.. so whats it matter.

We went to the board office on monday and got me enrolled in GED classes, which i was supposed to start last week, but i was sick. So I'm starting them this monday.. ironically, the 19th.. exacty one month since surgery(:. Haha. I've been going through the book.. the stuff is pretty easy. I don't think i'll have a problem.

First week i was allowed sf pudding and popsicles, greek yogurt, jello, broth, protein shakes, and like crystal light or propel or other flavored waters.. after a week or so they let me have some tuna salad and chicken salad.. and its kinda progressed from there.

I have a plan written out, but they go by typically how the patient is feeling or how well they are tollerating things.. so far? the only thing i havent tolerated alright was scrambeled egg.. But i was perfectly okay with a fried egg.. So. Not quite sure why that is, but i've been doing great that way..

I probably havent gotten in as much fluids as i'm supposed to.. I'm supposed to get 80-90 a day. and Even though I have absolutely no problem drinking, i'm still finding it hard.. even though i got that easily before surgery. I dont know why. for a week when i was really sick, i was most definatley dehydrated.. barely getting 20 or 30 oz a day, if that.. I'm surprized i didnt have to go to the hospital and get IV fluids... I probably should have.. i dont think my mom told any of the doctors though..

I'm doing better now though. getting around 64+.. still not up to 80-90 but.. i'm getting there.

my endocrin put me back on metformin.. heres the deal with that: I clearly have metabolic issues.. i had the sleeve.. i dont think that fixes the metabolic portion there.. I really didnt think that part through. I wish i would have. I'm not too sure how i'm feeling right now about having the sleeve, isntead of RNY or DS.. My weight loss is very minimal..

On surgery day i was 250.. I gained 6 pounds water weight in the hospital, and then by the time i left i was back down to 250.. first 4 or 5 days i got down to 238.. since then i've only lost 3 pounds, so i'm down to 235. which is great! So much better off than when i was 278 at the start of this journey.. But still.. one of my doctors said i should be lost 2-5 pounds a week. uhm... Its not working out that way.

my endocrin did some blood work a bout a week ago.. most of my levels have improved. thyroid and other hormogn levels. but she put me on half the dose of metformin was on before surgery. so i'm taking 500 twice a day now, along with my aldactone (50mg 2x day) and Synthroid (20mcg 1x day) to controll hormogne levels, thyroid, sugar, bloodpressure, all that jazz. the aldactone is a diuretic. basically a water pill, as well.. they were worried about me retaining water i guess. or my mom was. so i'm still on that. i clearly need it.

along with my multi vitamin, calcium citrate, d vitamins, and the b1&b12 which i've had some problems with.. its near impossible for me to get those down.. the smell and the taset just.. ugh. i definatley have missed those a bunch.. not necesarily on purpous either. i'm usually really good with meds. but keeping trac of when i can and cant take the vitamins is a hassle. i'm still trying to work on aschedule of when to take them, cause some cant be takenw ith otehrs or need to be taken at certain times of the day.. and mys leep pattern is always off. so i cant sy 'take this at 8am every morning' cause well.. frankly... i never know when i'll be awake that early other than maybe on mondays and wednsdays when i ahve class.. but even then.. id ont know. soemtimes i'm nocturnal, other times i'm on a normal schedule, other times i go days without sleeping, other times i sleep too much.. dont ask why. id ont know. it just depends on what i have going on.

Eating wise, right now i'm allowed.. a lot more than most people at one month post op.. i just looked at my paper that said stage 4 or 5.. i forget which one i'm on. but i'm allowed everything i was the past few weeks (cottage cheese, yogurt, sf pudding, jello, popsicles, tuna and chicken salad, etc..) and now i'm allowed skinless chicken (grilled baked or broiled.. no frying or anything like that), fish, any soy crumbles/products.. beans, turkey, soft fruits and cokoed/steamed veggies.. like canned fruits. no skin. i have t obe able to mash a fork through it.. uhm. whole grain pasta and crackers and toast.. no regular bread yet, whichi 'm fine with.. no more than half a cup to a cup of food. i'm usually around 6oz.. 4 times a day. the rest of the time i'm drinking.

I'm honestly not sure if i was supposed to start this already or not, but my dietition said to be thinking about protein bars.. well i got somein the mail the other day and i tried one.. 15 gramd of protein and less than 20 carbs i beieve for some protein bar from well its amazing. i'm in love. its like a twix bar. carmel crunch or somthing? i forget the name of it. but it's really good. ive had a few of those over the past week.

I dont seem to tolerate protein shakes well.. carnation ones anyway. pureprotein seems to go over okay. and i have a few other ones sitting around i need to try.  i got some fruit drink mix from dietdirect aswell, and those are sf and have protein in them. they're like juice drinks. andthey mix really well. lemonade is probably my favorite so far, and i've had those in place of protein shakes.

I'm getting in my 60+grams of protein fine. i try to log it.. i'm terrible with keeping up at i though. i have a day here, a day there, 2 days there, missed a week there, etc... I'm trying though.

I'm getting a membership to the ymca here. and hopefully gonna start going to the rec center to swim more. i love swimming. its a great work out.. even just walking in water is better than walking on dry land.. it uses more muscle and burns more calories.. takes more effort.

So i'm gonna start that up. aside from going swimming labor day weekend.. this is pretty much what i've been up to. just walking. ive played some soccer with my little brothers outside a few times.. i love soccer<3 definatley gonna try and get back into that when i lose some more weight and can run. mroe. i miss it.

Uhm... yeah. I think thats about it. Oh, and i'm getting signed up for drivers ed soon ;D Watch out people! haha kiddng. I've been driving with my parents since february/march. i got my temps back then. just never signed up for classes. i turned 16 a few days after my surgery. so i just need t oget the classes over with and i'll be set. ive already driven on the highway, around neighborhoods, parking lots, the mall, the longest ive driven at a time was i think amlost half an hour? i drove likeh alf way home from cincinnati hospital once before my surgery xD haha. That was fun.

But yeah. Life is good. (: I'll try to update this more. I like blogging. its just hard for me to find the time to sit down and write out what i wanna say, how i wanna say it, etc.. But im gonna try harder at that as well(:

Have a good day! feel free to email me if you have any questions.


Hospital Stay.

I forgot the log in for my account so I couldn't get on to update. Sorry about that. anyway. heres the blog about my hospital stay(:

Second day/night was definatley the worst. Lots of what i assume was gas pain. I had hiccups all day. and on and off the next day too. Walking really helped.

The upper GI was the worst part... I was really weak, still had a catheter and lots of IV's.. They took me down in a wheelchair and i was tired. They kept making me get up and down out of the chair cause they thought the people were ready, but they werent. so i got to sit back down. I probably would have fell i was so weak, if they didn't let me... The barium stuff and some other thing i had to drink werent that bad..

The first one I stood up in front of the exray thing and they took a bunch of pictures. i was so weak. i could only take a few sips and it kinda hurt to swallow a little bit.. but they let me sit down afterwards.. i was getting lightheaded.. then they tried to do the second one but couldnt get a clear pictures, so the genius people there had me lay down. flat. on like a metal slab table to take pictures...

Uhm.. I just had surgery on my stomach.. i ahve been sitting up at an angle int he hospital bed and in chairs ever since.. layign down flat on my back.. uhm.. OW. I toughed through it... The nurse said afterwards she was really sorry there wasnt anything she could do.. It sucked. It realy did. I was in so much pain.. even with the morphine..

Then i basically got up on my own.. rolling around with my arms and trying to prop myself up.. I couldnt really use my stomach muscles. they were all.. cut through.. and weak.. and hurt.. By that time i was crying. my blood prsesure was probably through the roof, too.

i got back in the wheelchair and had to wait 10 minutes for someone else to come help wheel me up with the iv pole and stuff.. i finally got back t omy bed and laid down.. the nurse left and my dad was there and i was wondering what the fuck i did to myself and why they had me do that.. it was terrible. Worst experience of my life..

I ended up falling asleep.. waking up a few hours later and they let me have one oz of water an hour.. for a few hours which was okay. it felt amazing to drink cold water. Lol. I felt better by then.. more morhphine kicked in and yeah.. they removed the catheter. i was kinda worried about that.. it wasnt pelasent.. but it was quick.. felt weird, burned  little.. but it was quick and got over with fine. then the surgeon came and saw me that night and some other doctors and nurses and what not.. i was doing well.

the next day i had drank about a liter.. of water, crystal light, and some orange jello.. and they said i could go home if i felt up to it, which i did.. by then iw as going insane. i hadnt showered since the night before surgery, which i'm pretty obsessive about.. they unhooked wires and what not. took the stupid comrpession boots off (finally! those were annoying.). iv out, and i got up and washed my face and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth and put my hair up.. then i took some pictures of the room so i can remember.. texted my friend saying i finally got to go home. i had been texting him the whole time iw as in the hospital..

He knew i was having surgery, but didnt know what it was for.. he knew all about the pre-op diet i was on and was like 'how the hell do you do that?!' cause he eats like a pig.. more like 8 pigs... Haha. but i was fed up the second night, when i was in a lot of pain. and i texted him im just like 'i never told you what the surgery was for.. did i?' and hes like 'no id ont think so what is it?' and i explained to him. just cause i needed someone to talk to.. i thought hed be freaked out or think i was stupid.b ut he was really supportive. and he has been ever since.

i went down after they discharged me. they gave me the option to use a wheelchair but i wanted to walk... i needed to walk. we took one with us just in case i wanted to sit down, but we ended up just using it to carry my purse (that had a heavy binder in it and my laptop.. big purse_ and my moms.. which always has a ton of crap in it that makes it weigh 20 pounds. i stopped by the gift shop. i bought a tshirt so i can wear it.. that hospital changed my life.just a navy blue cincinnati childrens hospital tshirt. also, i got it at my size the day i left the hospital.. so hopefully in a few months it will be big on me and its just a way i can track my progress.

It is a little loser on me now(: i'm actually wearing it right now as i'm typing this, haha.

But yeah. did that then walekd to the parking garage.. i was still sipping on a lemonade crystal light. i dozed off in the car on the way home. finally got home.. and thats that(:

Next post will be about the first month.. it will be exactly a month in two days, so i figure its close enough.. and i'm really in the mood for typing/writing. haha. so i'll post that soon.


Hope you're having a good day. and if you ahve any questions or anything, feel free to email me.. or message me on obesity help.
