Saturday, November 26, 2011

and.... The holidays have begun.

Used to love the holidays.. Being insulin resistance since i was 5 years old made it rough, though.. food wise. I've always been overweight/obese.. But I've always dieted too... It was so strict.. As alittle kid, i remember once i stole the syrup from the cabinet and ran tothe bathroom and drank maple syrup... because i was craving sugar.. It was bad. the holidays and the food surrounding me, amplified it. (thankfully over the past 5 or 6 years that craving has been lost.. Anything sugary makes me sick, now.)

So.. Thanksgiving.. I cooked a lot.. You know, the usual.. Dressing, Green bean casarole (my favorite.. I'd be happy with just that.), mashed potatoes, gravy, pies, rolls, and of course the turkey... my lunch was off the little snack table we had set up.. which was basically a handfull of shrimp and a little cocktail sauce, and a few crackers with cheese spread.. I have been having more diet soda lately.. Diet pepsi, mostly. I dilute it with water, or let it sit in ice for awhile before i drink it.. same thing.. kinda. yeah. So I had some diet pepsi too.. I Know i'm not supposed t odrink with meals, but its hard... thats the toughest thing about this whole process for me.

Then dinner... I had some turkey... a couple bites of mashed potatoes, literally one bite of dressing, and the rest green bean casarole... I love that stuff.. I only get it once a year.. its safe to say i ate a little more than i should, and i definatley felt it later... Given I didn't hardly eat a foruth of what everone else did.. i'm the only person with a stomach the size of a banana. 'nuff said.

Then later on i had half of a piece ofpie that i made.. I know.. i shouldn't have... it sucks that i baked so much and couldnt hardly eat any of it... But everyone else seemed to like it. they're saying i should go to culinary school. the thought has definatley crossed my mind...

I'm not a big fan of holidays anymore ingeneral... since i was 12 i kinda grew out of the 'excited' phase and moved onto the more typical teenager 'fuck the world. back off don't wanna deal with my family i'll go hide in my room' phase... which is exactly what i've been doing. I don't liek family get togethers. they annoy me.. Answering questions about my family gets nervewracking... I just go along with it all for my little brothers.

People have been on me to get out of the house mroe. I don't have many friends. I lost a lot of them when i switched schools a lot, a few years back.. A lot ofother factors played into it, but that's the just of it.  But My uncle was playing with a band that i  grew up with.. like. i grew up with a few of the guys in it.. I've followed their music.. they're really good. I have their cd's.. but i never really talk to any of them. Everyone from elementry/middle school has gone their seperate ways, as exptected. But yeah. Them, and a band that is local around here.. everyone knows... Well. they were playing a show together. Authors & Audio (the band i grew up with... <-- check them out..) and Shrug (!/group.php?gid=67739380522 -- it was a epic show. I talked to some people i knew.. adult wise.. but i never talked to anyone my age. oh well. next time.. maybe? who knows. but it was good to get out of the house.. Listen to some good music.. i still have the x's on the back of my hands, and the wrist band on... because it was at a bar, and i'm a minor. hey! at least they let me in..

so yeah. that was my thanksgiving break.. although, I'm testing for my ged on december tenth.. i'm not really in school right now.. so.. not really a break. but.. yeah. you get my point.

Alright.. Just thought I'd fill everyone in.. That was my first major holiday since surgery... Aside from the bit of pie i had, i think i did alright... 

feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns or anything. i'd be happy to hear from you. (:

have a good day and happy holidays.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Aight.. Pre/Post op tips.. and pictures.


The pre-op diet i was on, was i was allowed one under 400 calorie meal a day. 3 protein shakes. and 80ish oz. of sugar free fluids. that being said, on days i actually went by that.. i would have a lean cuisine or something for my meal, which was usually a dinner. but most of the time.. i split it up. i'd have a yogurt in the morning, string cheese later on, and some crackers and cream cheese later on. etc.. but kept it all under 400 calories. I reccomend that.. that was a lot easier for me than only having that one small meal later on. and i think it helped me for eating smaller portions more frequently, for after surgery.


Just do what you can.. Honestly. Liquids first.. Behing dehydrated isn't fun. I know i was for about a week or so but never did anything about it. I didn't get more than like 20oz in a day for a week. It was miserable. Then worry about getting your protein in. Sip. sip. sip.a nd i know it doesnt seem like it, but walking saves you. It helps the gas move, helps ease the pain.. you would think the oposite right? no. don't think the oposite. I was up walking 2 hours after i woke up in my room. to get into a chair, while in the hospital.. this is how my hospital stay went, walking wise.

Surgery around 7:45am. woke up in recovery around noon. then went to my room not long after, then by 2pm i got up to get in a chair.. sit up straight. then i went back to bed. then around 7:30pm i got up and walked down the hall and back. the next day i got up at 10am and walked.. then sat in the stupid wheelchair for two hours because radiology was slow, and i didnt want to get back into bed. i fell asleep in the wheel chair. went down for the upper gi.. which honestly isnt that bad. (just use the morphine.. i beg you. USE. THE FREAKING. MORPHINE. i denyed myself morphine.. i wanted to see how bad it was... dont test it.. just trust them when they say use it.. if you don't trust them, trust me. At this point in time, morphine will become your best friend.) Don't use the straw.. they'll offer it to you. but you shouldnt. and then got back up and went to the room and passed out.. later on i walked again.. was allowed to have water.. (finally!) then had the catheter removed and all that jazz. (thank. freaking. god. the catheter and the drain were annoying..) then walked some more.. and the next day i was drinking lemonade crystal light, had some orange jello, and got the okay to leave. i had already walked that morning. had the drain removed. and i wakled all the way from the room in the A building i think.. to the gift shop, where i got my lovely tshirt, and then to the parking garage.. My mom tried to get me to use the wheel chair, but iw ouldnt. it felt so good to walk.

Bottom line: WALK. I don't care if it hurts a little or you think it will hurt more.. Okay yes i care. but I can almost 100% guarantee you, unless something went wrong in surgery, the pain will be fixed. take yoru pain meds the way the doctors tell you to, don't overdo it.. but walk. it will help. so much. Even if i eat too much now, walking helps the food-coma feeling pass quicker.

Alright. Next for the postops: You won't want to sleep flat on your back.. I don't have a bed. I sleep on the couch. I have for years. I have a couch in my room,b ut i usually sleep in the living room. long story. but yeah. i slept sitting up on the couch the first week,t hen eased down to my back/side. i used a body pillow when i layed on my side. and within a month i was on my stomach again. i sleep on my stomach. i can't stay asleep while on my back.. (partially what made my sleep study one of the worst nights of sleep i've ever had in my life.)

Aight. scars. don't pick the glue.. just don't. let it be. it takes awhile. it took a few weeks to come off.. on one of the incisions, i picked some of the glue off.. i got too close to the incision and it was painful, so i stopped. and it eventually came of on its own. the pictures i've posted of my incisions don't do them justice. they're seriously just light pink. you can barely see them. i was surprized. When i was researching i saw scar pictures and was kinda horrified. but I wanted the surgery so i was going to deal with it. I already have a ton of stretch marks, so whats it matter, right? well. they're all fading. thankfully. haha.

those are the main things.. I'm gonna post a few pictures now.. A picture of me now. My lovely tattoo i never got to post a picture of (: my scars now, anddd yeah i think thats it. here we go. (:
--Gotta love nerd glasses. (:
--I started b12 shots. I forgot to mention that. Once a month. This is the massive needle.. If you decide to go that route.. It's not as bad as it looks. I have no problem with needles. at all. I would rather have a blood test than a urine test for drugs or pregnancy or something. But that honestly freaked me out.. It was thick. And long. But it's not that bad. I barely felt it.
--Halloween. If you know me, you now I have a mexican obsession. Mexicans, Spanish, Mexican food, anything mexican. I love it. So i wore a sombrero, while handing out candy. Haha.
--If you know me (again), you know i have an unhealthy obsession with wearing makeup.. I havent as much lately. Havent felt the need to. And I'm smiling more, I've noticed.n you used to have to act like a complete idiot to get me to laugh to get a pictuer of me smiling.. And whoa! look at that! ashley smiled on her own! wooh.
--Full Body. Pretty much everything has slimmed down except my stomach.. Those pants are literally falling off of me in that picture. they're supposed to be skinny jeans.. Haha.
--Paper i got today at the doctors office.. Shows my weight since the first time they met me. But they don't have my highest weight on record, which was back in november 2010.. it was liek 278 i believe. Haha.
--scars. yeah. you can only see two. the one ont he left was from the drain. the one on the right is the biggest one i have. you can't see the other three. theres one in my bellybutton, one on my sternum, and one further on my left side.a ll of them are smaller than that one on the right though. and the computer screen was by me, so it makes my skin look pink... my skin is white. i am one of the whitest people you will ever meet (or see pictures of...) whitey mc white. I'm ghostly pale. Not sure why the computer screen does that, but oh well.
--Lastly, my tattoo. (: I got it one month after surgery. I was supposed to get it on my 16th birthday, but that was 3 days after surgery.. not gonna go get a tattoo while i still have blood thinners in my system. Haha. "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." is the original quote. i took out the 'you meet' part to make it a little shorter so it wouldnt be so big, and it'd be more even.  its a plato quote. haha. but i really believe it. thats hwo i try to live my life. 

So yeah. That's that. Hope you have a good day, and feel free to email me if you have any questions or wanna add me on facebook to see more pictures. (:


PS. if you like demi lovato.. talk to me. i have two tickets to her show in chicago. i need more friends that like her.. that would be able to go with me. haha. She'a amazing.<3 okay. done now. bye(:


Just realized I havent posted on here in awhile. My mom brought it up at my doctors appointment today, so it reminded me I should update.

I'm almost three months out now. I just had my 3month post-op appointment.

First of all, i wanna say that my flickr account is being shut off. er. well. i can't post any more pictures to it. i'm about at my 200 limit, unless I wanna start paying. So I'll keep posting pictures, but it'll be on my personal facebook. You can still see the ones on my flickr account, but i wont be able to post more. So email me at if you want to add me on facebook. I'm not just going to post my last name on here. Who knows who's reading it.

Okay, Next. I'm averaging about one pound a week lost, in the past 6 weeks.. Not ideal. I havent been exersizing much because I had to have skin removed on the inside of my thigh, and it still really hurts. But its starting to ease up, and i'm getting a gym membership. So hopefully that'll start helping more. But i've lost 24lbs since surgery on august 19th. and about 54lbs since the beginning of this year, before I started my pre-op visits.

Basically what I"m doing: 4-5 small meals a day. aiming for about 60 grams of protein. I'm getting inbetween 60-70oz of fluids (not including what I get from food.) I haven't had any food intolerances, other than scrambled egg was kind of hard on me early out.. But i think that was partially because It was one of the first solid foods i had and I wasnt used to the feeling so it felt really heavy. I can eat about a cup of food at a time now. Sometimes I'll sip skim milk even though i'm not really supposed to, with mymeals, just to keep the food moist. The biggest challenge with this whole thing was not drinking with my meals.

I'm down a couple pants sizes. Shirts I havent noticed much difference. I've noticed in my face, and my neck.. like.. I think the bone is called the clavicle. yeah, i don't think i've seen it since I was really little.. like.. 6 years old maybe.  and now i do. the hump that was on the back of my neck too, inbetween my shoulder blades, is pretty much gone. I honestly feel great. I could care less that my stomach is still big, those little things are like.. amazing, to me. Oh, and a ring that i have is too big.. thats pretty great too.

Pretty much what I live off of now, is..:

*Wheat/whole grain crackers.
*Yoplait Light yogurt.
*Grilled Chicken.
*String Cheese.
*Bari-Wise protein bars.
*Propel Zero.
*Crystal Light.
*Provologne cheese.
*Progresso Light Chicken Noodle Soup.
*Fresh Carrots and Broccoli.

I was never a big sweets person befoer surgery, I'm still not. yes. I caved and had two pieces of candy on halloween. shoot me. No, i'm kidding. don't shoot me. haha. but seriously.. It didnt kill me. I had a glass of milk with it.. it was night time. I know i shouldnt have. but you know what amzed me? a fwe years ago.. two pices of candy, would make my blood sugar to shoot up into the 400's.. It didnt phase me this time.. My blood sugar immediatley after, and i took it a couple times that night, just to see for myself... It was normal.. the whoel time. That was like, the greatest feeling in the world. I know I shouldnt ahve.. but its just how i am. i have to test my limits.. i have to see for myself, or i wont believe people... If that makes sense. Yes. I didn't feel amazing afterwards. I felt like i had food coma, afterwards. I feel like that alot, no matter what i eat. so i keep eating less. and when i eat a little less, and i don't push my limits, i feel better. Its a learning game. Even three months out, i'm still learning. and things can still change..

That was a huge challenge for me.. the sweets. Protein shakes protein bars, yogurts, sugar free pudding.. Its all sweet. And it discusted me. before/after surgery.. Immediatley post-op, i pretty much lived off the broth from chicken noodle soup (the cans of just plain broth were TERRIBLE.), and cottage cheese.. I had string cheese like a week earlier than i was supposed to, because i was SO sick of the protein shakes and what not.. For a lot of people, thats not the case though. if you like sweet things, and you're considering this surgery, your in for a treat. it may not be the best, but its still sweet stuff. Haha.

I consider myself lucky.. My mom caught insulin resistance early on for me.. So i never really.. liked regular soda, or whole milk, or white bread, very much.. its the little things like that that i've noticed are hard for some people. Diet pepsi i pretty much lived off of.. and i had to give it up for surgery. I have a little bit every day now.. I dilute it. 5oz water and 5oz of diet pepsi.. let it sit for a bit in the fridge and drink it. I seriously was addicted.. i used to have 6-7 cans a day. so cutting that completely out was hard. im glad to have it back now.  even diluted, i don't mind.

This is pretty much just a really random post.. I felt the need to fill people in. I know some peopel from obesity help read this, and a few other people. So this is how i'm doing, what i'm doing, and what i know i need to change. I'm going to update again probably in an hour or so with an info-post of some of my favorite things pre/post op that heped get me through the pre-op diet and post op guide.

I know I wrote down the link today at my doctors appointment, so if anyone sees this from Cincinnati childrens.. Feel free to add me on facebook. If you or anyone else have any questions, feelf ree to message me on facebook, or email me. I posted the email up at the top of this post.

I hope you all have a good day. (:
