Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Book Review!! - Mindless Eating (Why we eat more than we think.) By: Brian Wansink, Ph.D.

Title: Mindless Eating (Why We Eat More Than We Think)
Author: Brian Wansink, Ph.D.
Grade: I would give it an A...
Age Group: 13+
Recommend? Yes.

My thoughts? The book is really informative.. The author wrote a lot about the hidden psychology behind hunger, why we eat what we do, how much, what attracts us to eat, in what situations people typically eat more, etc... and gives tips on how to change the smallest things.. and you may end up eating less. It seriously makes sense.. I've been told this since i was little.. A smaller plate, the less you eat.. You'll feel full quicker.. Knowing you ate your entire plate full of food.. but it was a smaller plate, so less food...

he also mentions how stomachs cant count.. They don't know how many M&M's you've had, or how many ounces of the overpriced iced coffee you drank on your way to work.. You lose track of the smallest things, and the pounds can eventually add up, and you don't even realize it untill your favorite jeans are too tight.

There is talk about the difference between diet, and deprevation.. a diet shoudln't leave you feeling deprived, or else it will bounce back.

There is so much.. I seriously could go on and on forever.. But I'm just going to say you need to read the book...

I feel like it could help a lot of people... I don't know how well kids would be able to understand the book.. which sucks, because I try to aim this blog towards younger children/teenagers... but still.. all in all... it's a great book. It was really well written, and organized. Although some of the chapter titles were misleading... I eventually understood how it all worked together.

Definatley worth reading..

Have a great day. (:




Surgery Updateee! What i'm up to, a little over 5 months out.

Surgery day: 250lbs. gained 5 pounds in the hospital. lost it by the time i got home. lost almost 12 pounds in the first week and a half, then was on a stall for almost 6 weeks, i believe. (i wish i kept closer track of this stuff...)

eventually slowly got down to 214lbs by late november, and i've been stuck there since... its now late january.

I missed my appointment with my endocrinologist. I haven't had any bloodwork done in awhile.. I'm starting to wonder if something needs changed..? I guess i'll figure that out when I go back to the bariatric team in a month. I emailed the nurse and dietitian, and was told to increase fluids and fiber and exersize... and i have. I've been getting an hour of exersize most days (6/7 days a wek) usually spread out.. close to 80oz of sf fluids a day... 60 grams of protein. 4 small meals, usually around 8oz or less..

For awhile I was bummed out... thinking I was stuck here... But what everyone says is right. it is just a tool. Surgery isn't magic. and I knew that, gonig into this. It's been a long five months.. and I'm sure it'll continue. But lets look at the +'s..

**My bmi is finally under 40!
**I can shop in normal stores now... I wasn't able to pre-surgery.
**Since this time last year, I've lost around 70lbs..
**i've nevver been able to lose and keep off more than 15lbs... ever.
**I've always been a healthy eater.. but even moreso, now.
**I can walk a mile without wanting to pass out.
**I have more self confidence.
**I've been getting out of the house more.
**I've been more motivated in just about every positive aspect of my life.
**I got off my anti depressants a week before surgery.. and I havent regretted that at all... I've been happy! (minus random anxiety attacks.. but I don't think those will ever go away.)
**I've been able to play soccer and footbal outside with my brothers.. somethign I havent done since i was 12..

Life is good! I'm ridiculously grateful for being able to lose what I have! and I know if i keep it up the weight will eventually come off.. I may have to change some things along the way, but right now?I'm really freaking happy.

A girl I used to be friends with commented on this picture on my personal facebook:

She said "I am really happy for you. Like honestly. You look amazing. I'm glad you shared your journey. And let me be your friend. Your a great influence." <-- quoted.

She is overweight too.. and found out she had insulin resistance this time last year.. I've tried to be a support for her.. yaknow? But me and her don't have a lot in common.. I've known her for about 3 years now.. and my parents would consider her a bad influence.. Given, i'm not stupid enough to do some of the things people have tried to get me to do... I just didn't really want to be around it.. I don't have many friends, becuase i'm not your typical teenager.. I'm not a pothead. I'm not into partying. I don't like big social situations.. I'm not even in highschool. Thatcan be a good thing, or a badthing... depending on how you look at it... But the fact that she said that..? Then she called me 10 minutes later and i actually answered my phone this time... and talked to her about it.. She was asking about the surgery i had and this and that... she told me what she's been doing and what not.. I've given her advice.. But i think she'sfinally startingto take it in.. yaknow?

So.. I'm glad she reached out to me.. and just the fact that she commented that made me feel great about myself. (:

So.... heres what my deal is now.. What i'm doing..

That's a picture I took today... The clothes are all literally falling off me.. bittersweet feeling.. (:

Surgical scars... barely  noticeable... i know. not a pretty picture. but thats what to expect a little over five months out..

this is pretty much what i'm living off of... shrimp, grilled chicken, bariwise protein drinks, crystal light, sugar free hawaiian punch packets, string cheese, whole grain bread and crackers (occasionally.. not very often. it usually goes bad before i finish a loaf.), home made salsa, pistachios, deli meat (turkey and ham usually..), provologne cheese, all my vitamins and medications, yoplait light yogurt, and diet pepsi (diluted with water..) fruit 2-0,propel.... yeah. that's about it.

I cook a lot for my family... i made subs the other day. its cheeper than going to subway, for 5 people. :P but pre-surgery we'd have the bread... put turkey, ham, american cheese, provologne cheese, mayonaise, lettuce, bacon, tomato, and onion on them... and i did. i ate most of it without the bread though. and with all th eleftovers? i put some salad down, tore up turkey and ham, onion, tomato, some shredded cheese, and a little bit of ranch dressing... ate most the meat first,then a little ofthe rest. mmm.. yum. <3 i could live off ofit. i really could.

See where my thumb is...? its like inbetween a 2/3 and 1cup mark... thats about all i can eat, then i start to feel really full.... and chewbacca starts in.. :P

(A.N.: have I explained chewbacca on this blog, yet...? If not, here we go: 2nd day in the hospital when iwasfinally allowed to have 1oz of water... i took a tiny sip.. and my stomach started growling... my mom could hear it across the room... it wasn't a hunger growl. I don't know what it was.... but it sounded like chewbacca from starwars... i told chewbacca to shut the F up, hundreds of times within the next day or two i was there... :P and i still do... whenever i start to get full... it makes noises. so i've learned to stop before i'm full, so you don't hear chewbacca... haha. But yes. I've named my sleeve, chewbacca.)

If i'm not walking, this is what my exersize consists of... my punching bag, and playing music on the really cool looking stereo... or my laptop.. usually my laptop... but i think this thing looks cool. (': haha. I'll dance around and pretend i'm some awesome singer/guitarist person.. yes. i'm that cool.

Anddd thats me now, as i'm writing this blogpost. (:

That's about itttt! That's what I'm up to.  I've been doing a lot of reading lately.. those books I mentioned in a past post I got at the library? I finished one last night.. i'm almost finished with two others.. theres a lot of really good information in there.. Sometimes I wish i had access to like a medschool library... this stuff really interests me. I don't know. Maybe i'm just weird. But i'll definatlly have more posts coming up about things i read in them..

I hope everyone's having a good day. <3(:


www.twitter.com/justashley1637 (personal twitter)
ashleyellen1637@aol.com -- feel free to email me with any questions or concerns or anything related to this blog.. (:

also, i started a daily vlog... on youtube. This isn't really health related at all. But I've seen people do video diaries.. like. every day. for a year or hwoever long they decide to do it.. I thought I'd give it a try.. I love photography and blogging and what not, so why not take that  a step further and videotape? Haha. theres a lot that you see like what i eat, medications, my random thoughs when i'm out on long walks taking pictures and getting exersize, whatever. then my family stuff. its really pointless. its just fun. its something to do. i just started it yesterday. so... we'll see how that goes. feel free to check it out ifyou'd like. (:


Monday, January 23, 2012


I haven't posted in awhile. I've been pretty stressed out lately trying to figure out college stuff, trying to find a job, this this and that. But i've been doing a lot of mini rants on my facebook page if anyone wants to check it out...?

www.facebook.com/justashley1637 (:

Also, i'm stil working on all of those books i got from the library that i listed before! so ifar i havent gotten,well, very far. /: I sometimes wonder if i have add... i will sit to read a book, get 7 pages, then put it down or find something else to do.... i get distracted wayyyy too easily.

but i have some pages marked that i want to elaborate orcomment on, so i'll get to writingthose posts, soon.

They're due back in a week. i think i may renew them..

so.. yeah. that's about it.

have a good day. i'll get backto posting soon!! promise. (:

ashleyellen1637@aol.com (:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What is insulin resistance?

I've been asked this a few times lately, and I realized I've enver actually posted about what it is... So here we go. (:

(side note: other names for insulin resistance: metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, syndrome x, IR, being insulin resistant.)

"Insulin Resistance (IR) is a physiological condition where the natural hormone insulin becomes less effective at lowering blood sugars. The resulting increase in blood glucose may raise levels outside the normal range and cause adverse health effects, depending on dietary conditions. Certain cell types such as fat and muscle cells require insulin to absorb glucose. When these cells fail to respond adequately to circulating insulin, blood glucose levels rise. The liver helps regulate glucose levels by reducing its secretion of glucose in the presence of insulin. This normal reduction in the liver’s glucose production may not occur in people with insulin resistance.[citation needed]

Insulin resistance in muscle and fat cells reduces glucose uptake (and also local storage of glucose as glycogen and triglycerides, respectively), whereas insulin resistance in liver cells results in reduced glycogen synthesis and storage and a failure to suppress glucose production and release into the blood. Insulin resistance normally refers to reduced glucose-lowering effects of insulin. However, other functions of insulin can also be affected. For example, insulin resistance in fat cells reduces the normal effects of insulin on lipids and results in reduced uptake of circulating lipids and increased hydrolysis of stored triglycerides. Increased mobilization of stored lipids in these cells elevates free fatty acids in the blood plasma. Elevated blood fatty-acid concentrations (associated with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus Type 2), reduced muscle glucose uptake, and increased liver glucose production all contribute to elevated blood glucose levels. High plasma levels of insulin and glucose due to insulin resistance are a major component of the metabolic syndrome. If insulin resistance exists, more insulin needs to be secreted by the pancreas. If this compensatory increase does not occur, blood glucose concentrations increase and type 2 diabetes occurs."

Thankyou Wikipedia.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance

Now.. Lets break this down.

Insulin.. a hormogne that is used to break down all the food/liquid we take into our body, to use as energy... The pancreas makes it.

With Insulin Resistance, the Insulin doesn't work properly. It has trouble breaking down the food and drinks that we take in, and the body notices this. so the pancreas continues creating insulin to use.. and none of the insulin works. So its just free-floating in your blood, while everything you take in... is basically just stored as fat, in your body, because your body doesn't know what else to do with it.. resulting in you not getting the energy you need from the food, and your blood sugar is raised.. which causes a whole bunch of other issues, in itself.

Signs and Symptoms of IR?

**Having a hard time focusing.
**Feeling tired, especially after eating.
**Weight gain, fat storage, and difficulty losing weight.
**High blood trigliceride levels.
**Hypertension (high blood pressure)
**Depression (because of a messed up metabolism with IR, depression isn't uncommon.)
**Increased Hunger
**Acanthosis Nigricans (dark patches of thick velvety-feeling skin onyour neck, chest, back, groin, or underarms.. caused by high insulin levels in your blood.. I have pictures of this in a post about signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome, here: http://ourfightnow.blogspot.com/2011/12/metabolic-syndrome-signs-and-symptoms.html )

and here are Risk Factors:

**Family history of Type 2 Diabetes
**LMNA mutations
**African American's, Hispanic;s, American Indian's, and Asian-American's are at higher risk for IR.

Physiological and Enviromental:
** age 40+
** central obesity (again, look at this post i made a few weeks ago: http://ourfightnow.blogspot.com/2011/12/metabolic-syndrome-signs-and-symptoms.html )
**Lack of much exersize, not a very active lifestyle.. "Couch Potato".
**Low levels of 'Good Cholesteral" (HDL)
**Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy
**Giving Birth to a baby more than 9lbs.

Causes? There isn't any one specific cause for IR... poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle and/or obesity have been known to cause it. Other causes:

Cellular, Molecular, and Disease..

"Recent research and experimentation has uncovered a non-obesity related connection to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. It has long been observed that patients who have had some kinds of bariatric surgery have increased insulin sensitivity and even remission of Type 2 diabetes. It was discovered that diabetic / insulin resistant non obese rats whose duodenum has been surgically removed also experienced increased insulin sensitivity and remission of Type 2 diabetes. This suggested similar surgery in humans, and early reports in prominent medical journals (January 8) are that the same effect is seen in humans, at least the small number who have participated in the experimental surgical program. The speculation is that some substance is produced in that portion of the small intestine that signals body cells to become insulin resistant. If the producing tissue is removed, the signal ceases and body cells revert to normal insulin sensitivity. No such substance has been found as yet, so its existence remains speculation." Thankyou wikipedia, yet again..

(side note: I had the Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy.. Which doesn't mess with your intestines at all... Which is why i'm slightly worried my type 2 diabetes won't be fixed, like i had thought before.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see..)

HCV has also been known to increase the likelyhood of getting Insulin Resistance.

and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has been linked to IR being known to cause it, or be caused by it..


Most of that is on the wikipedia page that i posted before, but i tried to make it a little easier to understand... If any of this concerns you at all, bring it up with your primary care doctor.. See what they have to say, and they'll probably order some bloodwork.. but a quick way to tell?

If you have access to a kit, check your fasting blood sugar on one or more occasions.. if its higher than 80-90 you should call your doctor. that is a pretty tell tale sign of insulin resistance.

So, I hope this helped whoever's reading this. Have a good day, anddd i'll talkto you all later. (:

If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment me n here, or talk to me on facebook, or email me! i'd be glad to help in any way i can. (:


Sources: Wikipedia & Google & own knowledge.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Books I got at the library...

I went to the library to get some books to read... I kind of wanted to learn more about the science behind everything. I've researched a lot online, diabetes and metabolic related disorders... but I figured books may have more information that isn't published online.  I ahven't read all of them yet, I've just been skimming.. but they all seem really good. I'll do reviews when i finish them. but heres what i got:

**25 Medical Tests Your Doctor Should Tell You About... And 15 you Can Do Yourself.-Deborah Mitchell
**Mindless Eating - Brian Wansink, Ph.D.
**Controll Your Blood Pressure - Rob Hicks, MD
**Low-Carb Slow & Easy (recipe/cook book)
**The Complete Thyroid Book  (second edition) - Kenneth Ain, M.D. and M. Sara Rosenthal, PH.D.
**AMA Guide To Living With Diabetes- Boyde E. Metzger, M.D.
** Mayo Clinic - The Essential Diabetes Book

I'll let you all know if i come across anything interesting. (:


Monday, January 9, 2012

Medications.. Oh the joy.

Okay. so what i'm on right now:

Metformin 500mg 2x day.
Synthroid 50mcg once a day.
Zantac 150mg 2x day.
Calcium Citrate 2x day.
Multivitamin once a day.
Vitamin D once a day.

Now, what sucks about all ofthis? I'm off of a few medications i was on pre-op.. Which I'm happy about. But... I can't take a lot of those together. So they have to be spaced out..

I'm absolutely terrible with remembering times and what not.. I'll start a log, and then wont keep up with it.. I can be a very organized person, or i can extremely un-organized.... This falls intothe un-organized part.. I've been working on changing that, and I've gotten better.. But it'sstill really hard.

Synthroid i'm supposed to take on an empty stomach, like an hour before breakfast.. What's bad about this? I'm nocturnal 99.9999999% of the time.. right now i'm going to bed about 3 or 4 am and waking up around 1pm... somedays i'll go to bed at 9 and wakeup at 7am, others i'll go to bed at 7am and wake up at 3pm.. my sleep schedule is not good. So yesterday, i woke up around 10... and guess what Ashley decided to try and do..?

Ashley tried to take her Synthroid, Multivitamin, Metformin, and Zantac all at once. and guess what happened to Ashley? Ashley threw up within 30 seconds of taking them... i had nothing in my stomach. so i was throwing up the water that i swallowed them with... no pills came back up.. just water.

That was the first time I've thrown up since surgery.. and certainly learned my lesson.. I felt terrible for a few hours after that, too.. I was supposed to go tubing with my family, and I just couldnt.. i was constantly feeling that 'gag reflex' type thing and feeling like i was going to throw up.. which sucks.. because i really wanted to go! /:

Then i remembered someone i know, telling me that Synthroid and vitamins don't go together..? i don't know if that's true or not.. no doctors have ever mentioned that to me.. but could that explain me not being ableto tolerate those all at once? i don't know.

I've been on metformin since i was nine, and have had 3 or 4 different doctors perscribe it.. each one says something different.. "Take it half an hour before you eat" "take it with your meal" "take it half an hour after you eat" or they just say nothing at all and the bottles don't specifiy.. so i don't know.

It's really confusing.

I wish all of my medications could comein monthly shots, like my b12 does... or even just a once a day shot that had everything in it.. it would make life so much easier. /: lol.

Bottom line is:talk to your doctors.. figure out what you should be doing.. I knowi can't take my calcium and multivitamin at the same time, but i'm not 100% clear on everything else.. I go back in february.. we'll see then.

Have a good day. <3(:



I got tickets to another concert.<3(;

My dad has a week scheduled off, the last week of january/firstoffebruary.. and i have a lot of money left over from christmas.. and The Cab, He Is We, The Summer Set, Days Difference, and Paradise Fears are all coming to Cleveland on February 2nd.. I'm going to go with the same girl i went to the Demi/WeTheKings concert with.. It'll be epicccc. and aparently there is going to be a meet and greet, after? hell yes! <3 :D

I honestly love concerts... It's one of the only things i can do or go where i feel... normal.

I spend a lot oftime at home. I have a GED. I'm looking for a job and starting college. 85% of my stomach is gone. I lost a lot of my friends over having this surgery, and other stuff along the way.. (depression and anxiety, me being sick alot, none of them wanted to stick around.. i can't say i blame them.) but concerts.. i feel normal. like a normal 16 year old girl, fangirling over the hot guys in the band, and staying up till midnight dancing and just having a good time with other people you barely know... its fun. good music. why not?

so. i can't wait. <3 haha. (:

picture time: of me, well, after i got the tickets. big smile :D haha.

I love that hoodie... it cost $50... + $10 shipping.. the most expensive item of clothing i own.. you'd think it's stupid that i got it when i'm losing weight.. well. big hoodies are comfy. and right now it fits perfectly. and i love it. and its comfy. and warm. and totally worth the money. <3 haha. Okay. i'm done.

bye now. <3 (:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Almost 5 months out VSG update..

I'm ridiculously frustrated with how slow I'm losing... No one has ever really given me carb/calorie guidelines to follow, just 60+gm protein a day, 64+oz sugar free fluids, and no more than 8oz at a meal, no more than 4-5meals a day... What i've been doing:

Trying to keep under 700 calories.
Keeping under 50 carbs.
whole grains.
64+oz of sugar free fluids
60+grams of protein
4 small meals and 1 or 2 snacks if necessary to get in protein, or blood sugar is low.

I'm on Metformin 500mg 2x day, 50mcg Synthroid 1x day, Multivitamin, B12 shot once a month, Calcium Citrate.. I think i'msupposed to be taking b1 and vitamin D too, but i'm terrible at remembering those... so some days i don't always getthose in.

I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Insulin resistance which has progressed to type 2 diabetes this past year, pre-surgery.. Sleep Apnea, and hypertension..? i'm not clear on that.. i'm off of aldactone.. i have been for afewmonths, and my blood pressures are normal.. so.. yeah..

I don't know. I really don't. On surgery day i was 250lbs.. gained 5lbs water weight in the hospital, then lost it once i left..... starting 2nd week post-op  ihit a stall, that lasted 6 weeks. lost some more, a 3 week stall, lost some more, another stall, then occasilly i'll go down a pound a week, if that... and i havent lost anything since godknows when, now... At 5 months out..

I figured it was my exersize, for the longest time. I started walking more and dancing.. 30min aday 5days a week... then i got a gym membership, went, and sprained my ankle.. so i was off of it a week and a half... then i got back into walking more and more.. maybe i'm just not exersizing enough.. it seems every time i do i hurt myself... not enough calcium?who knows.

But a lot of people seem to get to their goal weight, or pretty close, with little to no exersize.. i honestly don't understand what is wrong with me..?could it be my meds? I should ask my doctor to run more labs..

I don't know anything at this point. i'm stuck at 214lbs. FINALLY got my bmi under 40... but i want it under 30...  ughh./:

I ask on obesity help what the deal is... some peopel say i'm eating too much, others say i'm eating too little, others say talk toyoru doctors, a couple reccomend the DS (EXACTLY what i was scaredof, going into this.. that a restrictive procedure wouldnt be enough..)

here's my post, there: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/vsg/4488412/i-hate-this/#37139323

Bleh. /: Just needed to rant. If anyone has any idea what i should be doing, feel free to comment and let me know, twitter, facebook, email,anything. /:

I'm happy with the weight loss i have had, and that i'm off of my blood pressure medicine... my blood sugars are normal.. I just.. i don't know. i was hoping for more than this by now.. Doctors have said a lot of teenagers reach their goal weight, or pretty close, in6 months.. i'm a few pounds away from half way there.... and halfof the weight i've lost, i didbefore surgery.. bleh:|

kay. bye. /:


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bari Wise Fruit Drink Review (my favorite protein drink)

I've met a lot of great people on obesity help over the past year, and a few really great people... I was struggling with getting healthier-foods and protein in.. Money was tight.. and a lot of these wonderful people sent me samples of thingsthey had that they didnt like, or didn't use anymore. I still have a lot of it. One of my favorites though, that i've gotten more and more of, are these:


I just get a variety pack. You basically just mix it with water, pour it over ice if you want.. I do. it makes it colder. and they're just like fruit juice... 15 grams of protein per serving, no sugar, 1-3 carbs depending on the flavor... uhm.. yes? it doesn't get clumpy like regular protein shakes, and it actually tastes good.. you can't taste the protein that you can in most shakes..

I seriously have hardly used protein shakes.. i forced myself on the 2-week pre-op diet and for about a week after surgery, i occasionally had one... but this was always it,whenever i neededmore.

Fluids + protein at once? awesome.

I definatley suggest trying it.. I was telling a friend of mine about it today,and i realized i never told anyone else about it.

My doctors always reccommended carnation instant breafkast, and a few other ones..but the regular shakes, i just can't stand the taste of.. i really can't. They make me sick, literally. I havent thrown up once since surgery, but the only times i've came close is by drinking a protein shake... besides these. haha.

So. yeah. like i said before.. give 'em a shot!

Alright. <3 have a great day!


ps: it says to mix with 8oz ofwater.. thats really strong for me. it's still good. but just strong. i usually mix them with 15-16oz of water... thats just how i do it.. more fluid, same amount of protein, and not as strong. do whatever works for you, though.