Contact Me

I love to hear from people who are going through a similar situation, or know people that are, or are just interested in the topics that I blog about... If you ever want to chat, have any questions, anything.. Feel free to contact me on any of these listed below. (I use my Facebook and email most often!)


Facebook Page:
(I have a personal... Same name as on my page. If you add me, I may or may not accept your request. It just depends. But I typically always respond on the page I listed above. You can privatley message me on there, too.)

***I have been made aware as of 02/19/2015 that I don't get all of the messages/requests sent to me. If I don't have any mutual friends with you, 90% of the time the messages and requests go to some "other" folder on Facebook that I didn't really know existed until today. I've found messages today from up to two or three years ago from people who found my contact info through this blog, that I didn't know existed until today! So if you were one of those people, or try to message me in the future via FB and I don't respond for some reason, that would be why!***

Obesity Help:
(I don't spend a lot of time on there, but I check it somewhat regularly.)

(I use this website for a lot of fitness/food ideas/inspiration. You can check it out and message/ask me on there. (: )

Personal Twitter:
(Warning: Mostly used to keep updated with bands/music related things, youtubers, and to rant. If you don't mind that, follow me! Let's talk. Haha)