Saturday, June 18, 2011

Long day at the hospital, and Update.

This was pretty much my day.

EKG/ECO, then meeting with nurse, adolecent medicine dr, dietitian, and social worker.. then i had a pulmonary appt. at 2, and we are calling on monday to schedule a sleep study.

The nurse said if everything goes right with insurance on the final letter they send out the day after my appt in july (July 21st), they usually respond quickly (i was pre-approved.. just final confirmation letter). and it should be within a couple weeks after the finall approval. leading into mid august to early september.. Which is good, because we lose medicaid in october.. lol.

I was freaking out over gaining a few pouds, but i didnt know what my exact weight was last time i was there.. which was like 255. i went down to 248, but back up to 255 before the appt. since i wasnt on metformin.. but since they didnt have documentation of the 248,its not a big deal. thank god.

I've been feeling pretty crappy lately.. med changes are really affecting me. but oh well. i should get used to that all by now.


Had a pretty big blow up with my brother the other night.. I was tired, iw as at the hospital all day and had just gotten home.. hes overweight.. not as big as i am, but hes overweight. his bmi is like 30.9. but he plays a lot of sports.. He doesnt understand the hell i've gone through growing up.. How active i was, but i still had to do a solid hour of aerobic exersize and diet and all this stuff.. he compulsivley overeats and thinks that the stop&start sports he plays, really cancels that all out.. which it doesnt. and hes like 'wella t least i dont ahve to have surgery to lose weight' when in reality, he willif he doesnt start changing his ways.. hes about where i was at his age, but i was a bit shorter.. hes taller than me now. hes 12. I dont know. it resulted in a big argument and lots of fighting and just... yeah. it wasnt good. Hes a little egotastic 6th grader who thinks eh knows everything.. when reality crashes down on him, we'll see how well he deals with it.


blah. im still tired. i just got one of my smoothies from tropical smoothie <3 yum. although its raining and gloomy, the smoothie still tastes justa s good as when its sunny and im on my way to the pool, haha.

I'll do some more informational updates later. this is kinda just a filler. (: thanks for checking out my blog, everyone.

<3 Ashley. (beware. i'm demi lovato obessed. lots of tweets about her. haha)

Have a great day. (:

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